How NOT to Use Microsoft 365 Copilot – Create Content on the Go, Even from Napkin Notes!

by , | Dec 15, 2024 | Microsoft 365 Copilot | 0 comments

Picture this: You’ve just left a holiday dinner full of engaging conversations, your head buzzing with brilliant ideas… all scribbled on a napkin.

Before risking the loss of these ideas, you snap a picture, attach it to an email, and confidently ask Copilot:

“Please draft an email to [xx], including a list of the ideas written in the attached image.”

But wait—this doesn’t work! Why? Microsoft 365 Copilot doesn’t directly process images or extract text from them—yet.

So, what’s the solution? Here’s how to get the job done:

What You CAN Do Instead

1. Extract the Text from the Napkin (Handwritten Notes Work Too!):

Open the Microsoft 365 app on your mobile device.

Click Capture and select Extract to take a picture.

Copilot will highlight the text it finds, giving you two options:

(1) Copy All to retain the text in its original language.

(2) Translate to convert it into your preferred language.

2. Reuse the Extracted Text:

Copy the extracted text and open Copilot.

Paste it into the Message Copilot field and ask it to use this as a reference.

3. Tailor Your Prompts:

Use the extracted text to create impactful content, such as:

“Using this text, please generate a mission statement for [xx].”

“Please draft an email to [xx] in Spanish, reformatting the text into a table.”

On-the-Go Translation: Microsoft Copilot Pro to the Rescue

If you’re using the Microsoft Copilot Pro mobile app, you can also extract and translate text in real time.

Imagine you’re on vacation, trying to read a menu or interpret historical signs. Don’t risk a misunderstanding! Instead:

Snap a picture of the text using + in the app.

Ask Copilot:

“Please extract the text in this picture and translate it into [Language].”

Voilà—now you can enjoy that mysterious dish or appreciate the story behind that landmark.

What NOT to Do

Don’t forget to download the mobile companion app for Copilot!

Don’t expect it to work with documents or notes containing signatures, stamps, seals, or text blocked by images.

Don’t get frustrated! Microsoft is working hard to expand these features—soon, Microsoft 365 Copilot will analyze images just like Copilot Pro.

So, whether you’re capturing ideas from a napkin, translating a menu, or creating tailored content, Microsoft Copilot has your back—just with a little creativity and the right tools.
